

Hi! I graduated with a Bachelor of Computer Science from The University of British Columbia. I'm a fan of web development with a focus on the front-end.
I did two front-end related Co-ops, and it really opened my eyes!
I also hold a Bachelor of Economics in Finace from The Ocean University of China.


  • Languages:
  • Javascript/TypeScript, Java

  • Web:
  • React.js, Ember.js, Node.js/Express.js, Mocha/Chai, Material UI, Bootstrap, HTML/CSS

  • Tools:
  • Git, CircleCI, TortoiseSVN, Heroku, Nginx, JIRA


University of British Columbia
August 2018 - May 2022 | Vancouver, BC, Canada
Bachelor of Computer Science

Ocean University of China
Sep 2013 - Sep 2018 | Tsingtao, China
Bachelor of Economics,
Awarded 3 Outstanding Scholarships


Binge watching spoof movies


Front-End Engineer Co-op, Later Inc
Jan 2021 - May 2021 | Vancouver
•Developed a ‘replace-media’ component from wireframes through deployment, and is being used by over 40k users
•Closed over 70 front-end tickets by partnering with QA, UI/UX team members
•Participated in each step of Scrum development with 12 teammates, attended daily stand-ups and sprint plan meetings

Junior Web Developer Co-op, Transoft Solutions Inc
Sep 2019 - Dec 2019 | Richmond
•Delivered 4 responsive, cross-platform compatible, user-friendly landing pages on WordPress with 6000+ visitors per month
•Translated UI/UX design wireframes to code while writing high-quality HTML5/CSS3
•Closed over 30 front-end & back-end tickets regarding long-time JS/jQuery/CSS/ bugs


  • VanHouse
  • A group project for CPSC455 dedicated to facilitate the renting process between Vancouver-based landlords and tenants.
    React.js | Node.js | Heroku | MongoDB

  • UBC Insight
  • A group project for CPSC310 developed in TDD methodology supporting querying over UBC course/building info.
    TypeScript.js | Node.js | MongoDB | Mocha/Chai

  • iMemeDB
  • A CRUD meme collection paired with Redux to handle complex state management.
    React.js | Node.js | Redux | MongoDB

  • AutoTURN Online
  • A Co-op project for Transoft Solution Inc.
    WordPress | HTML/CSS | PHP